CONTRIBUTORS | return to Home page | |
Name | Experience & Interests | e-mail & website |
Chris Fraser | Littlefish Project Chairman.Pangaea Co-director.Primary Health Care in Africa & Aboriginal Australia since 1982. Author of Littlefish proposal. Reserves the right of casting vote on any dispute within the project. | cfraser@littlefish.com.au or www.money-story.au.com Littlefish Website :www.littlefish.com.au. |
Hugh Lovesy | Littlefish Project Financial Manager.Pangaea Co-director. Community Development in India & Aboriginal Australia. Creator of the Money Story -a means of explaining complex financial information in a format anyone can understand regardless of literacy , numeracy or language. | www.money-story.au.com |
Uwe Feldtman | Littlefish Project Co-ordinator
(Programming) Programmer. Owner/Manager of microshare.Uwe has been very influential in helping Pangaea with the development of littlefish project since its inception in early 98. Currently reviewing a collaborative frame work for development. |
www.microshare.net |
Dr David Werner | Littlefish Project PHC Adviser.Involved in primary health care (PHC) in Mexico since 1965. For those in the PHC field David needs no introduction. For those not familair with PHC in the developing world a read of http://www.healthwrights.org will give you an idea of the medico social problems littlefish seeks to address. Not only in the third world but the second and disenfranchised of the first. | http://www.healthwrights.org
Dr Sam Heard | GEHR Medical Adviser to
Littlefish Director, GP Education and Research Unit NT Clinical School, Flinders University Co-Author of the Good Electronic Health Record and GOM (GEHR Object Model) |
sam.heard@flinders.edu.au |
Thomas Beale | Senior Information Modeller GEHR Adviser
to Littlefish Senior developer of the GEHR Kernel.Co Author of the Good Electronic Health Record and GOM (GEHR Object Model) |
thomas@deepthought.com.au |
Dr Catherine Deering | Librarian of the Donald Mason Library, Liverpool School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (UK.) | cmdcar1@liverpool.ac.uk |
Sam Brown | Littlefish adviser and programmer. 4th (last) year of medical school, researcher in Infection Control, and consultant to Vecna Technologies on some AI projects in medicine. | sambrown@bigfoot.com |
Dr Janice Money M.B.,B.S. (Sydney) 1981 |
Littlefish Medical Adviser.Brief
studies in small business accounting and financial management and in journalism. Longer studies in fine arts.5 credit points short of a Graduate Diploma in Public Health. Now half-way through a Graduate Diploma in Information Technology.Worked in general practice and practice management, in an Aboriginal Community Controlled Clinic, in a breast screening service - all part-time - and at being a wife and mother.Interested in computer animation and the Web as a health education tool for people with poor literacy skills. |
PJMoney@bigpond.com |
David Jenkins | Littlefish Senior Developer David has worked in the Phillipines & Nigeria. Has been working on the Change Control and Design documents.Currently co-ordinating with Uwe Feldtman. |
djenkins99@earthlink.net |
Jeff B. | Senior Freemed Programmer. An
open source medical management project with whom we freely exchange information and ideas. Please check out their work -its good stuff. Littlefish will be collaborating with Freemed. |
jeff@univrel.pr.uconn.edu |
David Forslund | Project Manager Telemed Project.
An open source intuitive patient-record system that supports image, audio, and graphical data. Utilizing an entirely Java/CORBA based architecture, it integrates complete patient records with detailed radiographic data, and allows the remote sharing of patient and radiological data over networks.Littlefish will be collaborating with Telemed |
Andrew Arch | Developer.Andy is currently developing the Littlefish GUI's:-) | andyarch@swin.edu.au |