Walk-through Example           click here for walkthrough template

Scenario F: Field Visits in Rural Areas   return to Home page        return to prototype page

"After the team arrives in the village, they begin examining patients. The first patient, an infant, was born since the team last visited. The physician performs a routine examination, during which the assistant first creates a new record for the child, and then records the physician?s observations of the child's vital signs (weight, length, sex, date of birth, pulse rate, etc.).

During the same visit, the physician also examines the child's mother. She has been seen previously by the team, and her medical record is retrieved from the system's database. The assistant records the mother's observations about the birth. She is suffering from mastitis, and the physician prescribes several medications as treatment. The assistant records the illness and the medications left with the mother. Her database record is updated."

Identified Tasks

1. Add baby details as new patient

2. Edit babies vital signs, etc

3. Edit existing patient details.

4. Edit existing patients vital signs, etc

5. Edit diagnosis

6. Edit medications


Task # Task Step # Step Expected Result Actual Result Comments LF # Linkages to LF Managers
 1. Add baby details as new patient a. Open main form. From Menu select Patient -> New Patient... Open up Patient Details Form Nothing Prototype does not yet link forms    
    b. Open Patient Details form and enter babies details.     With a newborn, we need to be able to add the child even though they may not have been named.

They would have to be known as "baby of mothers name"

Perhaps we need to add in NOK here.
    c. Personal Tab     We could move the residence and postal information from the Contact tab to here and add in the parents nationality.

Reduce the amount of screens to add information.
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
3. Edit existing patient details a. Open main form and from menu select Patient -> Edit or Patient -> Find The Find Patient Form appears No form appears because there is no linking yet      
     b. Open Find Patient Form and enter in search criteria and press search Results of search appear in bottom left hand screen. When one of the records are selected, a relationship tree appears in the right hand tree field. No search or tree functionality written in prototype, so search button yields no results.      
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...


Person Doing Walkthrough

Occupation: Registered Nurse

Current Location: NT, Australia

Computer Experience

a. IT Illiterate

b. Novice

c. IT Literate

d. Power User

Computer Used

Type of Computer

a. None - paper based.

b. 486

c.Pentium 150

d. Pentium MMX

e. Pentium II

f. Pentium Celeron

g. Pentium III

h. PowerMac

i. Other

OS (if using computer)

a. Win 3.1 or Win 3.11

b. Win 95b

c. Win 98

d. NT 4.0

e. Win 2000 Professional

f. Win 2000 Personal

g. System 7

h. OSX

i. Linux

j. Other

RAM (MB): 32 MB


How was the navigation?

Difficult, but that is mainly due to lack of functionality from being a prototype

Does it have all of the functionality that you would like?


If not, what would you like to see included?

A decision support system for maintaining stock levels with GST support

What would you like to see improved or changed with the prototype?

All of the forms linked and a prototype to run on my Macintosh.

What was your impression of the aesthetics or appearance of the prototype?

General impression was very positive.

General Comments and Feedback

Maybe a little early to criticise as I do understand that the prototype is still in the early phases of development. However it is looking promising. Keep up the good work.

Thank you for your time and feedback. It is much appreciated.

Save the modified document and then post it to: Chris Fraser - cfraser@littlefish.com.au