The Littlefish Papers & "Mentions in Dispatches"        Return to homepage


Australian Health Informatics Conference 1999 1 Sept 1999
"The Littlefish Health Project: Open Source Open Health";
Chris Fraser & Sam Brown

"Innovative uses of the Internet-The Littlefish Health Project" by Chris Fraser. February 2000
First published in the The Cybermed Catalyst the Journal of the Alliance of Medical Internet Professionals

Littlefish gets a mention in dispatches in

Development, Ethical Trading, and Free Software by Danny Yee of CAA

Open Source -seeking low-cost information systems by Jim Intriglia, Senior Systems Analyst, MGMA Center for Research.
Vol 38, No22, Dec15 1999

Littlefish Open Source health record Software embodies the dream of knowledge-sharing and community-building by Leslie Versweyveld -Virtual Medical Worlds