
OSHCA 2001 Medinfo

Updated list of open source activities at Medinfo 2001 in London England as of 31-August-2001.

Open Source Tutorials - September 2

10:00-13:00 Evaluation in health informatics,Heather Heathfield, Derek Felton, Susan Clamp

Room 6

14:00-17:00 Electronic Communication of Clinical Data: An Introduction to HL7, Klaus D Veil

Room 2

14:00-17:00 Improving User Acceptance of Health Telematics Systems: What are the technological and human issues related to user friendliness?, Illias Iakovidis, Constantine Stephanidis

Room 3

Selected Papers - September 4

09:00-10:30 XML And the VITAL Standard: The Document-Oriented Approach for Open Telemedicine Applications, Anagnostaki, A; Pavlopoulos, S; Koutsouris, D

Room N2

Selected Papers - September 5

11:00-12:30 How the Open Source Development Model Can Improve Medical Software, Yackel, TR

Mercury Room

14:00-15:00 An Open Component-Based Infrastructure to Support Integrated Regional Health Care Networks,Katehakis, DG; Kostomanolakis,S ; Tsiknakis,M; Orphanoudakis,SC

Mercury Room

14:00-15:30 A Design and Prototype for a Decision-Support System In The Field Of Urinary Tract Infections-Application of OpenGALEN Techniques for Indexing Medical Information, Karlsson, D

Platinum Room

16:00-17:30 Integrating Medical Applications In An Open Architecture Through Generic and Reusable Components, Xu,Y; D'Alessio,L; Jaulent,M-C; Sauquet, D et al

Mercury Room

Workshops and Panels - September 3

14:00-15:30 The Future of Acedemic Research on Electronic Patient Records,Moorman, P; Musen, MA; van der Lei, J

Workshop N3

16:00-17:30 Developing World Access to Information - Entrenching Poverty or Enhancing Knowledge,Geffen, L; Hanmer, L; Isaacs, S

Room N2

16:00-17:30 Evaluation in the UK National Health Service,Kaplan, B

Rhodium Room

Workshops and Panels - September 4

9:30-10:30 Delivering the Electronic Health Care Record: A Software Engineering Prospective,Grimson, J

Invited Speakers Auditorium

9:30-10:30 Global Networks of Developers and Users in Open Source Development,Hedberg, C

Room N4

Workshops and Panels - September 5

11:00-12:00 Challenges in Deploying Health Information Systems,Kuhn, K; Guise, DA; Bakker, AR; Ball M.; et all

Room N5

Selected Posters

> In-Control - An Open Source Surveillance Systgem for Hospital-Acquired Infection, Benson,T; Henry,R; Evans-Williams,D; Morgan, C

> Open Infrastructure for Outcomes (OIO), and Open Source Metadata Creation and Interchange System: A demonstration, Ho, AP-J

> Highly Specialised Open Source Models-A Way to Enhance Impact of Health-Related Computing,Lesný, P; Vejvalka, J; Krásni'anová, H

> Health Information Systems Programme (HISP) - The success story of a development project in South Africa, Stoops, N

> Gnumed - a collaborative international attempt towards reliable and secure electronic health records, Herb,H; Guest,D; Lembke, T

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