"Working at the Speed of Trust"
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Time | Location | Presenter | Presentation Details | |
0900 - 0920 | Jules Stein Auditorium | Dr. Mike McCoy & Joseph DalMolin | Welcoming remarks, brief history of OSHCA, current status. | |
0930 - 1000 | Jules Stein Auditorium | Dr. Mike McCoy | Open source a CIO's Perspective | |
1000 - 1030 | Jules Stein Auditorium | Tim Cook, Open Paradigms, |
Tim presents; "post-FreePM" and sheds light on his experiences with the business of open source community building and vertical marketing in the search for sustainability. | |
1030 - 1100 | Break | Break | ||
1100 - 1145 | Jules Stein Auditorium | Dr. David Chan | OSCAR Case Study and Workshop: Implementing and Enhancing an Open Source Primary Care EHR in a Family Medicine Network
OSCAR is a web based, open source application developed using open source tools (Linux, Java, and MySQL). The application provides electronic patient records, integrated evidence based decision support and knowledge links, practice management, and several web-services to facilitate a regional health care network. McMaster University's Department of Family Medicine developed OSCAR in part to address the requirements of the Ontario Provincial Government's Primary Care Reform initiative, a multimillion-dollar initiative to transform primary care in the province. OSCAR currently supports the McMaster Primary Care Network, Maternity Centre of Hamilton and Midwife Group, the Regional Stroke Prevention Centre, and a long term care nursing home. |
1145 - 1230 | Jules Stein Auditorium | Dr. Molly Cheah | The Primary Health Care Pilot Project The Primary Health Care Pilot Project is a private sector initiative
using open source software to provide primary care practitioners with a
web-based clinic and patient management system, complementing the
Malaysian Government's Telehealth project. It is being driven by the
Primary Care Doctors' Organisation Malaysia (PCDOM), a professional
association for primary care doctors or GPs). Funding is from the
National IT Council of Malaysia under the Demonstrator Application Grant
Scheme (DAGS). An overview of the project will be described to
illustrate the development of the application focusing on its conceptual
approach, plannning and the processes involved in its proposal and
acceptance for funding. Emphasis will be placed on the development of
the medical content and the decision support mechanism introduced in the
system to address quality in both clinic and clinical management. The
development of the "pilot" as a Health Care Network will be illustrated
to demonstrate an e-community environment for future deployment of the
application, medical content development and training of users of the
PCDOM PrimaCare. The application can be
accessed at: http://www.pcdom.org.my/dags/cmss.htm |
1145 - 1230 | Demo Breakout | Open Paradigms and I.T.E.C. | The partnership of these two companies combine to demonstrate the hardware and software for a patient accessible electronic health record. This is a completely open source system using a most cost-effective hardware and secure software combination. | |
1230 - 1330 | Lunch | On Your Own | ||
1330 - 1400 | Jules Stein Auditorium | Cason Lee, UCLA | ||
1330 - 1400 | Workshop Breakout | Etienne Saliez | The "Virtual Care Team" Project for General Practitioners
The main objective of the "Virtual Care Team" project is to support more collaboration between all very specialized care providers in charge of the same patient, i.e. the permanent GP and several specialists, when and as long as necessary, as well paramedics and nurses going at home. This is done by mean of shared documents on secured servers, with access rights strictly limited to the directly involved care providers, in function of the specific need of every individual patient. The content includes at least the up to date problem list and the current care plan, and may have any number of relevant multimedia annexes. The role of family doctors focuses on first line care and on coordination across different specialities and across multiple hospitals and private practices. The initial goal is a kind of basic general-purpose shared patient record, on top of which speciality related features could be added later on. The "client" side needs not much more than any usual browser and a security module based on Opens Source tools. Moreover a by-product is epidemiological data collection using the "CISP", the French version of the "ICPC", translated by members of our group. In contrast to many existing telemedicine projects, which are "hospital based", our project is an initiative of a non-profit organization created by GPs. Open Source has been defined as one of the rules of the charter of our organization called CRISNET, "Coordination, Recherche, et Traitement de l'Information en Soins de Santé Primaire - Network ". The following issues will be discussed: - The need of an independent "software reliability certification". - The need to begin to share Open Source components at application level, across different international cultural environments, using a very layered approach and free choices in libraries of relatively small objects. - Natural convergence rather than mandatory standards. - The need of a simple "Iterative Healthcare Model" where "software agents" may be useful. |
1330 - 1400 | Demo Breakout | Dr. David Chan | OSCAR Demonstration | |
1400 - 1445 | Jules Stein Auditorium | Dr. Horst Herb | The GNUmed project current state www.gnumed.org | |
1445 - 1530 | Workshop Breakout | Andrew P. Ho, M.D., UCLA | OIO Case Study and Workshop: Implementing and Enhancing a Future-Proof Information System in Hospital, Clinic, and Clinical Research Settings Open Infrastructure for Outcomes (OIO) is a web-based, 100% free (GPL), HIPAA-capable, multi-user application that provides portable and secure electronic medical records, integrated evidence-based analysis, and clinical research data management. An international group of clinicians and researchers collaboratively developed OIO to address information system needs that they face in their daily work. OIO currently supports the Colombo South Teaching Hospital, > Ural Scientific Institute, University of Pennsylvania General Clinical Research Center, Harbor-UCLA Dual Diagnosis Treatment Project, Harbor-UCLA Psychobiology of Ethnicity Research Center, and University of Pennsylvania General Clinical Research Center. | |
1445 - 1530 | Jules Stein Auditorium | Dr. Sebastian Uijtdehaage | The Health Education Assets Library (HEAL) National Multimedia Repository database. The current collection consists of 1,800 images covering the areas of dermatology, obstetrics/gynecology, neuroanatomy, neurology, pathology, biochemistry, and cardiology. The current version of the HEAL prototype was funded by the National Science Foundation. http://www.healcentral.org | |
1530 - 1600 | Break | Break | ||
1600 - 1630 | Jules Stein Auditorium | Gary Kantor | Open Source Applications for the Operating Room | |
1630 - 1700 | Jules Stein Auditorium | Dr. Mike McCoy | AAMC/UCLA Open Source Collaboratory Initiative At the Spring 2002, American Association of Medical Colleges GIR meeting held in Pasadena, California a consensus was reached to form an Open Source Working Group whose primary objective was to establish the foundation for and initiate a Health Care Open Source Collaboratory. Dr. McCoy will discuss the objectives of the Collaboratory and describe its progress to date. www.mednet.ucla.edu |
1700 - 1730 | Jules Stein Auditorium | Dr. Adrian Midgley | TBA – Adrian, one of the original OSHCA “midwives” will be sharing his consistently provocative and insightful thoughts from the real world of primary care. www.defoam.net | |
1800 - 2000 | Reception | TBA |
Time | Location | Presenter | Presentation Details | |
0900 - 1000 | Jules Stein Auditorium | Martin Fink, VP & CTO Business Critical Systems, Hewlett Packard | ||
1000 - 1045 | Jules Stein Auditorium | Bill Steagall | IBM Linux Impact Team and Open Source
Where IBM is going with Linux. Why IBM is investing in open source. More details soon. |
1045 - 1100 | Break | Break | ||
1100 - 1145 | Jules Stein Auditorium | Yves Paindaveine, Scientific Officer - Information Society Directorate General - Applications relating to Health European Commission | At the eve of the launch of the 6FP research programme, advisers to the Research Programme and Members of the European Union have recommended Free/Open Source Software as a research strategy, being understood that societal, technological, ... objectives are to be achieved independently of the intellectual property right model chosen by the participants for their research. The presentation looks at the different studies and initiatives in the Members which has lead to the current situation. The Open Source community is now faced with several challenges in the European Union, both as a research project (especially through the 6FP Research Programme instruments for funding) or as a commercial venture. | |
1100 - 1145 | Workshop Breakout | Etienne Saliez | The "Virtual Care Team" Project for General Practitioners | |
1100 - 1145 | Demo Breakout | Dr. David Chan | OSCAR Demonstration | |
1145 - 1230 | Workshop Breakout | Andrew P. Ho, M.D. Department of Psychiatry UCLA | Embracing and Extending the OIO A guided tour of the OIO achitecture with emphasis on how to customize, extend, and build unique web-based data management and data-driven applications using the OIO. Real world examples of OIO-based applications will be used to illustrate the web-based customization and programming interface. | |
1145 - 1230 | Demo Breakout | Open Paradigms and I.T.E.C. | The partnership of these two companies combine to demonstrate the hardware and software for a patient accessible electronic health record. This is a completely open source system using a most cost-effective hardware and secure software combination. | |
1145 - 1230 | Jules Stein Auditorium | Peter Schloeffel | The GEHR/openEHR initiative. A status report on the progress of openEHR including participation in the CEN13606 EHR standard. www.openehr.org | |
1230 - 1400 | Lunch | On Your Own | ||
1400 - 1445 | Workshop Breakout | Drs. Alex Caldwell & David Pepper | Tkfp program and MedMapper Demonstration |
1400 - 1445 | Demo Breakout | Dr. David Chan | OSCAR Case Study and Workshop: Implementing and Enhancing an Open Source Primary Care EHR in a Family Medicine Network | |
1400 - 1445 | Jules Stein Auditorium | Christian Heller | Res Medicinae
The presentation will explain design concepts being used in the Java- based Open Source (GPL) project 'Res Medicinae'. Real world examples of hierarchies which served as pattern in several design decisions will be considered. Afterwards, the stepwise growing and development of the overall 'Res Medicinae' model will be shown. |
1445 - 1530 | Jules Stein Auditorium | LCDR Emory A. Fry, MC, USNR | Using Open Source Language Extensions to Mumps to Build a CORBA Based Distributed Federal Health Care Architecture Naval Medical Center San Diego is using open source EsiObjects to evolve its M based clinical information system into an object oriented database supporting Java, XML, and wireless applications. The initiative integrates components from the GCPR and CHCSII programs into a CORBA based architecture that will enable seamless data transfer between the VA and DoD using a web-based n-tiered application. EsiObjects enables this architecture to be adapted to most M based legacy systems. Additional pilots will implement the OMG Object Query Language to support population health and disease management initiatives, DICOM imaging, XML based medical records and point of care appointing. | |
1530 - 1600 | Break | Break | ||
1600 - 1645 | Jules Stein Auditorium | Brian Bray | This talk will present the level of use of open source in health care organisations in Europe, as well as an overview of selected research projects and a detailed introduction to PICNIC. As part of the SPIRIT project, a survey of research and care delivery organisations was conducted earlier this year. The results give concrete information on the use of open source technologies and the degree to which these organisation depend on them. The PICNIC project is the largest health informatics research project funded by the European Commission's 5th framework IST programme and it is producing open source components to support a new architecture for regional health care networks. This research programme and national programmes have funded a number of other projects that are starting to deliver concrete open source results. | |
1645 - 1730 | Workshop Breakout | Dr. Molly Cheah | The Primary Health Care Pilot ProjectPCDOM Primary Health Care application workshop session will address
three areas from user, technical and "business" perspectives: 1. Current features and future enhancement to the application and the network. 2. Strategies to mobilize and provide support and maintenance to the project. 3. Appropriate "business" models for deployment to developing countries, including licensing etc. |
1645 - 1730 | Jules Stein Auditorium | Paul Weinstein | Computer Security Fundamentals |
Time | Location | Presenter | Presentation Details | |
0850 - 0900 | Jules Stein Auditorium | Ignacio Valdes,MD,MS Editor: Linux Medical News |
Ignacio Valdes will present to the individual voted to receive this year's annual Linux Med News Award. | |
0900 - 0930 | Jules Stein Auditorium | Dr. Dan Johnson, | TBA – Dan is one of the original OSHCA “midwives” and will be sharing his consistently insightful thoughts about open source and it's application in the real world of primary care. | |
0930 - 1000 | Jules Stein Auditorium | K.S. Bhaskar | To survive, open source free software (OSFS) must sustain the resources needed to keep it alive. GT.M[tm] is a high end transaction processing database application development platform that includes a compiler and run-time language subsystem for the popular M (a.k.a. MUMPS) language. As an experiment, in mid-2001 Sanchez Computer Associates, Inc. released the source code for GT.M on the x86 GNU/Linux platform as OSFS under the GNU General Public License. K.S. Bhaskar, who manages the GT.M product at Sanchez, will discuss the experiment and its surprising results, which have included a complete OSFS healthcare application stack of proven software components - VistA on GT.M on GNU/Linux. | |
0930 - 1000 | Workshop Breakout | Richard Schilling | Integration with Java using J2EE and OpenEMed | |
1000 - 1030 | Jules Stein Auditorium | Dr. Scott Shreeve | Open source continues to significantly impact multiple sectors of the economy but is just beginning to be utilized in the healthcare setting. The business model of open source has several compelling features that apply specifically to healthcare information technology. Medsphere Systems Corporation is an innovative medical technology company that leverages open source at the development, deployment and marketing levels in their efforts to deliver an affordable, fully-integrated, enterprise-wide health information solution. This presentation will discuss the business case for open source in healthcare, present Medsphere's utilization of this model and discuss opportunities for the greater community to tangibly participate in these efforts | |
1030 - 1100 | Break | Break | ||
1100 - 1130 | Demo Breakout | Open Paradigms and I.T.E.C. | The partnership of these two companies combine to demonstrate the hardware and software for a patient accessible electronic health record. This is a completely open source system using a most cost-effective hardware and secure software combination. | |
1100 - 1130 | Jules Stein Auditorium | Dr. Stanley Saiki | Dr. Saiki is the Director of the Pacific Telehealth and Technology Hui, a joint initiative between the U.S. Army's Pacific Regional Medical Command, Tripler Army Medical Center (TAMC) and the Veterans Affairs Medical and Regional Office Center, Honolulu (VAMROC Honolulu). Its purpose is to leverage mutual strengths and resources to improve the quality, accessibility, patient satisfaction, and cost-effectiveness of healthcare services provided to beneficiaries through the use of emerging and existing telehealth technologies. As an essential part of the Hawaii Federal Health Care Partnership, the VA/DoD Pacific Telehealth Hui conducts research, develops prototypes, demonstrates, tests, evaluates, validates, then disseminates and institutionalizes applications of technologies in support of innovative health care processes in the area of telehealth. www.pacifichui.org Dr. Saiki presents a unique government perspective on the value of open source, elaborating also on the functionality and versatility of the Veterans Affairs VistA CPRS and the role the Hui is currently playing to adapt this comprehensive software package to non-VA healthcare environments. | |
1130 - 1200 | Jules Stein Auditorium | Rick Marshall, President | A strategic overview and discussion of plans for the WorldVista initiative | |
1200 - 1230 | Jules Stein Auditorium | Crawford Rainwater | Crawford presents the current state and future direction of Linux training and certification. The I.T.E.C. Company provides Linux training and certification services. |
1230 - 1400 | Lunch | On Your Own | ||
1400 - 1430 | Demo Breakout | Dr. David Chan | OSCAR Demonstration | |
1400 - 1430 | Jules Stein Auditorium | Drs. Alex Caldwell & David Pepper | Progress with
the Tkfp program and MedMapper Tkfp is deployed in a 4 doctor family practice group with over 3000 patient records. It has been deployed this year in a 2 doctor practice in Iowa which is totally paperless. It has, we believe, close to HIPPA compliant user access levels, audit trail, SSL secure network server-client architecture for the desktop GUI interface and an SSL secure web server that can be extended in Tcl/Tk for it's web browser based interface. It comes with installation scripts that make it easy to install on Linux. The database is in XML. We are using XPATH and XSLT for xtracting data and have added capability for SOAP and XML-RPC transactions to the web server. It is also being used for managing insurance claims and billing. |
1430 - 1500 | Demo Breakout | Drs. Alex Caldwell & David Pepper | Tkfp program and MedMapper Demonstration |
1430 - 1500 | Jules Stein Auditorium | Klaus Veil | HL7 and Open Source | |
1500 - 1530 | Jules Stein Auditorium | Dr Nikki Shaw | Trust Me - I'm a Patient! A look at how use of information technology affects the patient-physican relationship. | |
1530 - 1600 | Jules Stein Auditorium | Dr. Mike McCoy &
Joseph Dal Molin |
Closing Comments |