- Add initial CYBOL module doing nothing than printing a string on screen
- Add experimental textual user interface (tui), see Screenshot
Christian Heller
- Add logic model with functionality to add, edit, remove an address
- Add web model for managing address data
- Add domain model
- Add initial CYBOL module
Rolf Holzmueller
Christian Heller
Requirements Analysis Document
- Generate multiple formats (HTML, RTF, TEX, DVI, PS, PDF)
- Move document to DocBook XML format
- Markup document in SGML
- Rename package from resmed-doc to resmedicinae-analysis
and resmedicinae-analysis-de, respectively
- Split German- from English version
- Add some information from loosely, locally stored files and remove these
- Add many useful messages and comments from resmedicinae-deutsch mailing list
- Extract directory structure chapter and move it to design paper
- Add multiple hints on directory structure from Karsten Hilbert
- Add some domain overviews from Christian Heller
- Create requirements analysis document (initial working draft)
Res Medicinae Analysis List
Christian Heller
Karsten Hilbert
Dr. Roland Colberg
Dr. J. Fischer
Priv.-Doz. Dr. P. Hahn
Dr. Bernd Heller
Magdalena Heller
Joerg M. Sigle
Juergen Saucke
Dr. Winfried Behrendt
Dr. med. Andreas Streller
Dr. med. Michael Elisat
Dr. med. Gerhard Bauer
Res Medicinae User Manual
- Update document to reflect changes in the development of Res Medicinae,
which is not based on the Java language and Java Virtual Machine (JVM)
anymore, but uses Cybernetics Oriented Programming (CYBOP) techniques;
its modules are now written in the XML-based Cybernetics Oriented Language
(CYBOL) and executed by the Cybernetics Oriented Interpreter (CYBOI)
- Restructure and update document
- Add instructions for first source code release (prototype)
- Create Res Medicinae manual document (initial working draft)
Christian Heller
APW Linux Document
- Correct bugs caused by XPM reinstallation
- Add new fonts guidelines
- Add description of new module for billing check (XPM-KBV-Abrechnungspr�fung)
- Update to DOSemu 1.2.2
- Add Xfce4 description
- Correct smaller mistakes and typos
- Add new chapter on printing in network Drucken im Netzwerk mit CUPS
- Correct wrong name of Martin Reuber
- Delete superfluous files from Christian Heller
- Update to DOSemu 1.2.0; delete old version 1.0.2
- Add various DOSemu installation descriptions: RPM-, binary- and source package
- Investigate non-functioning RPM binary of DOSemu
- Add Scheduler (Terminkalender) of Harald Hiss
- Update because of new DOSemu version and new FreeDOS
- Make APWiegand runnable on FreeDOS; review and update all APW information
- Add Knoppix installation
- Improve Samba configuration description
- Review and update NFS chapter
- Hand over maintenance from Christian Heller to Claudia Neumann
- Switch document from pure TXT- to XML format
- Add chapter 5.12 taken from email traffic between Claudia and Joachim Voelcker
- Update for DOSemu version 1.1.4; include tips from Claudia Neumann
- Restructure contents of APW document; add tipps for new DOSemu version
- Add more chapters in appendix
- Change document structure (contents)
- Add Samba installation for use with APW; insert new comments from Claudia Neumann
- Insert HOWTO from Claudia Neumann
- Add document to Res Medicinae project
(formerly hosted at Tux Tax)
Claudia Neumann
Christian Heller
Thanks to:
Dr. Karsten Hilbert
Dr. Peter Wiegand
Klaus Sczibilanski
Bart Oldeman
Martin Reuber
Dr. Christian J. Neumann
- Merge ResMedLib Library into CYBOI
- Merge Healthcare Library into CYBOI
- Delete ANT build files and scripts (superfluous since
CYBOL code is XML and does not get compiled)
- Create initial Debian GNU/Linux packages resmedicinae,
resmedicinae-doc, resadmin, resmedicinae-analysis,
resmedicinae-analysis-de, resmedicinae-apw
Christian Heller
Dennis Reichenbach