Scenario G: Collating paper forms into system and backup of data

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In another part of the same country, a second team also performs  their rounds of a remote area.  After leaving their base, they discover that  their laptop computer is not functioning.  They arrive at their destination, and begin examining patients.  The assistant records the first patient's  examination on a paper form.  Altogether, the team examines 20 people during
their visit to the village.

After several days on the road, the team returns to its base, a clinic in a  town of 50,000.  The town has a generally reliable electricity source, though  telephone service with other areas is not yet available.  The team has access  to a donated desktop computer, configured with a Pentium 133 MHz CPU and a 2  Gbyte hard drive.  The paper forms are reviewed, and the information on them  is entered into the computer and stored.  After all the entries are made, the  assistant backs up the contents of the database on several floppy disks.