Functional Operation Scenarios

Scenario A: Diagnostic Test Ordering and Clinical Referral

Scenario B: Preventive Recall and Patient Visit

Scenario C: New Patient Visit and Prescribing

Scenario D: Patient Account Generation

Scenario E: Practice Management and Evaluation

Scenario F: Field Visits in Rural Areas

Scenario G: Collating paper forms into system and backup of data

Scenario H: Data transfer for specialist review

Scenario I: A Draft Health Scenario in a Developing Country

Scenario J: Traditional Medicine
Sceanrio K: Caring for Refugees

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The  scenarios A to E are taken from the GPCS Functional Framework . Scenarios F to I are from the the littlefish group members with experience in developing countries and remote area health.  They are  designed  to demonstrate the intended functional relationship and interaction between the managers that will constitute the Littlefish Functional Framework and the external linkages that enable information exchange between various service providers and information sources / databases.

Further to this, these scenarios are also intended to provide a basis for development of detailed test cases / test scripts for the purpose of evaluation of key function points of the specification as detailed in Appendix C. Each scenario has major function points flagged as an alphabetic character: [A]-[Z]

Please note that all patients and doctors, and the opinions expressed by them in these scenarios, are entirely fictitious.

I would like to invite anyone with developing world -remote area experience  to put forward other scenarios so we can develop appropriate test cases for developing countries

Please feel free to email me


Best wishes

Chris F
