Scenario H: Data transfer for specialist review

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A clinic has been established in a university in a developing  country, and patients visit the clinic from surrounding areas.  The
university has reliable electric power, and twice a day, can send and receive   electronic mail over the Internet via radio.  One patient that a physician examines has never visited before.  The patient is suffering from a number of   skin lesions, is lethargic, and has a fever.  An assistant creates a new record for the patient, records basic information (name, age, sex, weight,
height, etc.), and the physician's observations of the patient's condition. 

The doctor believes to know the cause of the illness, but would like to  confirm his diagnosis with a colleague who works at a hospital in the capital city.  An e-mail message is created, containing a copy of the patient record from the system, and is sent in the next e-mail delivery.  The patient is admitted to the clinic.

The following day, an e-mail arrives from the capital from the doctor's colleague, who confirms the doctor's diagnosis and recommends several medications.  The patient is given the recommended medication.  The confirmation of diagnosis, and the prescriptions given the patient, are added to the patient's record.