
OSHCA 2001 London

London Meetings
Place: Forte Posthouse Kensington Hotel, London, Great Britain
Date: September 6 & 7th

Full notes for the OSHCA 2001 meeting in London are available from particpants who have provided them for public availability. Notes and slides are being made available in Adobe Acrobat PDF format and are located beside the name of the speaker in the Detailed Agenda. (Last update: 13-Oct-2001)

OSHCA 2001 was held in conjunction with MedInfo 2001 in London, UK. Click here for a list of Open Source related events at MedInfo.

Agenda at a glance

Day 1   Day 2
Time Campden Suite Cheniston Suite   Campden Suite Cheniston Suite

Welcome-Nigel Bell, NHS IA

  Open Source A Strategic Tool For Resource Constrained Countries
Bud Bruegger, Chair

Bob Mayes
John Lindsay
Hamish Fraser
Parallel Sessions

PhysioNet, Isaac C. Henry,

IBM and Open Source, Mr. Michael Hoekstra
9:15 9:45
OSHCA - An Overview
Joseph Dal Molin
A Tale of Two Cities, Dr. David Chan
Open Source Acquisition Policy Panel
Brian Bray, Chair
Andrew Ho
Simion Pruna
Rick Marshal
Chris Richardson
Yves Paindaveine
John Fox (stmt)

  VistA on GTM, A Major Milestone for Open Source Health Care, K. S. Bhaskar Medzope, Jon Edwards
11:30 12:00
Open Source in AMIA, Ed Hammond, President AMIA
Circare, PICNIC, Brian Bray
13:00 13:30 Glyn Moody author of "Rebel Code: Linux and the open source revolution"
  HL7 and Open Source, Klaus Veil
ODYSSE, Philippe Ameline
13:30 14:00
Open Source in Healthcare - Review of major current projects, Dr. Douglas Carnall

Parallel Sessions

GNUMed, Dr. Horst Herb

  SPIRIT Open Meeting, Brian Bray, co-ordinator

Carlo Daffara
Bud Bruegger
Dave Scott
Parallel Sessions

Health Care for Humanity BOF
Open Source and the NHS

Chair, Dr Adrian Midgley

Mark Richards
Dr Jeremy Rogers
Dr Ray Henry
Julian Todd
Parallel Sessions

GNotary, Dr. Horst Herb

TK Family Practice, Dr. David Pepper
NHS Panel session : Chairman, Dr Adrian Midgley,

Introduction, Colin Smith
Parallel Sessions

LOINC, Stan Huff

OIO Dr. Andrew Ho,

BSTD Dr. Simion Pruna
  SPIRIT Open Meeting (con't) Parallel Sessions

OpenEHR Peter Schloeffel

Medal Dr. Gareth Kantor
OSHCA Business Meeting

  Closing Remarks
18:00 Social Event- Buffet and Cash Bar, The Post House

Detailed Agenda


DAY 1:




Welcome and Announcements

Nigel Bell of the NHS Information Authority will open the conference.

9:15-9:45 OSHCA - An Overview

Joseph Dal Molin

9:45-10:30 david_chan.pdf A Tale of Two Cities

Dr. David Chan, Director Stonechurch Clinic, which is part of McMaster University Department of Family Medicine’s Primary Care Network. Dr. Chan is the developer of OSCAR, an open source system for family medicine that supports teaching, research, and delivery of care. The McMaster Primary Care Network is part of the Ontario Government’s Primary Care Reform initiative and MUFFIN/OSCAR has received government funding and accreditation for use in the initiative.




brian_bray.pdf PANEL: Open Source Acquisition Policy

Chair: Brian Bray, Minoru Development

Panel members:

  • Andrew Ho
  • Simion Pruna
  • Rick Marshal
  • Chris Richardson
  • Yves Paindaveine
  • Position statement from John Fox

The purpose of this panel is to discuss policies for health care organisations in the acquisition, integration, and use of open source software in medical environments.




Glyn Moody

Glyn Moodyis the author of "Rebel Code: Linux and the open source revolution", is based in London, and is a columnist for Computer Weekly - the most widely read UK computing journal.

13:30-14:00 Open Source in Health Care - Review of major current projects

Dr. Douglas Carnall

13:30-14:00 Parallel Session GNUMed: current state of the free medical software project
Dr. Horst Herb
14:00-15:00 Open Source and the NHS

Introduction: Chairman, Dr Adrian Midgley

mark_richards.pdf What happens if your supplier goes bust?
Mark Richards, Head of Information Systems, Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre, Oxford

jeremy_rogers.pdf Open source and complex knowledge bases, the OpenGALEN manifesto:
Dr Jeremy Rogers MRCGP, Clinical Research Fellow, University of Manchester

henry_ray.pdf InControl: an Open Source Surveillance System for Hospital Acquired Infection,
Dr Ray Henry, Head of Informatics, PHLS in Wales

julian_todd.pdf An Open Framework for OO Technology Transfer:
Julian Todd, IS/IT Manager, Dudley Group of Hospitals NHS Trust



14:00-15:00 Parallel Session GNotary: solving data integrity and authorship issues in electronic health records
Dr. Horst Herb

The TK Family Practice Project
Dr. David Pepper

15:15-16:30 Panel session:

Chairman, Dr Adrian Midgley,

Introduction, Colin Smith, NHS Information Authority:

Topic: "Would an alternative market in supported, open source healthcare information systems benefit the NHS? If so, what should the following be doing":

  1. individual Trusts and GPs
  2. the IPU/NHS Information Authority
  3. healthcare system developers


Panel members:

Speakers, plus:

Neil Spencer-Jones, independent consultant

Paul Cooper, IMS, hospital systems supplier

Primary care systems supplier (TBA)

Graham Folmer, Director, NHS Information Authority

15:15-16:30 Parallel Session stan_huff.pdf LOINC
Stan Huff

Link to external site. The OIO Project
Dr. Andrew Ho

simion_pruna.pdf The Black Sea TeleDiab Project
Dr. Simion Pruna


OSHCA Business Meeting – Where do you want to go from here, today?

OSHCA has come a long way since its first meeting in Rome last year. There is a need to add a minimal formal structure to OSHCA so that it can provide a more effective role in the health care community. The meeting is open to anyone who supports the fundamental principles in the OSHCA charter. The following agenda is proposed for the business meeting:

  • Membership, establishing formal membership
  • Governance, elect board of directors
  • Re-confirm guiding principles
  • Next Meeting


Social Event- Buffet and Cash Bar, The Post House

DAY 2:



9:00-10:30 bud_bruegger.pdf PANEL: Open Source A Strategic Tool For Resource Constrained Countries:

Chairman: Bud P. Bruegger, Sistema

Speakers and Panel Members

Bob Mayes - Senior Health Informatics Specialist, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Global AIDS Program – Zimbabwe; Formerly, Director, Information Systems Group, Office of Clinical Standards and Quality, HCFA

john_lindsay.pdf John Lindsay - British Computer Society Developing Countries Specialist Group. Reader in Information Systems Design, Kingston University (UK), where he specialises in strategic information systems, information science and information systems design.

Hamish Fraser - Harvard Medical School/MIT, Partners in Health, PING, the TB Web based EMR and the TeleMedMail program, Digital Nations?

Additional Panel Members

Cito Maramba, University of the Philippines Manila Health Sciences Center

9:00-10:30 Parallel Session PhysioNet
Isaac P. Henry

IBM and Open Source
Michael Hoekstra




VistA on GTM, A Major Milestone for Open Source Health Care

VistA the U.S. Veteran's Hospital Administrations hospital information system is in the process of being ported to Sanchez’s open source distribution of MUMPS, GTM for Intel Linux. This presents a major opportunity for global collaboration to evolve and disseminate this complete, proven hospital information system.

K.S. Bhaskar, VP, Business Development, Platforms & Technologies
Sanchez Computer Associates, Inc

10:45-11:30 Parallel Session john_edwards.pdf MedZope
Jon Edwards


william_hammond.pdf Open Source in AMIA

Ed Hammond, President, AMIA

11:30-12:00 Parallel Session Circare, PICNIC
Brian Bray




HL7 and Open Source

Klaus Veil

13:00-13:30 Parallel Session ODYSSE
Philippe Ameline

SPIRIT Open Meeting

SPIRIT is a pioneering project partially funded by the European Commission's Fifth Framework Programme. Its goal is to accelerate the uptake of open source software and other resources to facilitate the implementation of economically viable and effective regional health care solutions and enable better citizen-centred care in Europe and around the world. The project team is currently in the process of identifying and classifying best practice open source software applications and components from both existing ongoing projects, and planned projects. Sources for software include government agencies, medical teaching institutes, and other health care providers.

The primary goal of the open meeting is to present work to date and future plans to get active feedback and participation from the open source health care community.

13:00-15:00 Parallel Session Health Care for Humanity BOF
15:15-16:30 Parallel Session peter_schloeffel.pdf OpenEHR
Peter Schloeffel

gary_kantor.pdf The Medical Algorithms Project
Dr. Gareth Kantor, Department of Anesthesiology, University Hospitals of Cleveland.

Copyright (c) 2000-2004. OSHCA. All rights reserved. GNU FDL license. Last Update: 2004-06-19