Prototype Screenshots Ver 0.1.4
We have presented the screenshots of the prototypes here in HTML
so that people using Linux, Macs etc can view them.
If you wish to download them please click here
(2.6Mb) sorry folks :-((
As we commence developing the prototypes we would appreciate you doing walkthroughs of the the prototypes
based on the scenarios.
This is to ID the problem areas and generate more ideas for Littlefish. There is walk through template to help .
I have also addd in screenshots from CPRS VISTA for your comments
There are no right or wrong answers as we want to get a wide cross section of views of how the information "flows'- where the problems are - whats good? , whats confusing?, what need throwing out? what needs adding?changing? amending? what other features would you like to see?.
The prototypes are just a sketch board of ideas and I promise the end result will look and feel much nicer:-)
If any one wants to translate these into other languages that will be great as we want Littlefish to be available to everyone.
We will update and incorporate good new ideas and suggestions as we proceed.
Thanks everyone :-)
Chris F
01 Main Form
02 Find Patient
03 Find Staff
04.1 New /Edit Patient (Personal)
04.2 New /Edit Patient (Aliases)
04.3 New /Edit Patient (Contacts)
04.4 New /Edit Patient (NOK)
04.5 New /Edit Patient (Cultural)
04.6 New /Edit Patient (Support)
04.7 New /Edit Patient (Relationships)
04.8 New /Edit Patient (Employment
04.9 New /Edit Patient (Financial
05.1 New /Edit Staff (Personal)
05.2 New /Edit Staff (Contact)
05.3 New /Edit Staff (NOK)
05.4 New /Edit Staff (Language)
05.5 New /Edit Staff (Medical)
05.6 New /Edit Staff (Allergies)
05.7 New /Edit Staff (Education)
05.8 New /Edit Staff (Assessments)
05.9 New /Edit Staff (Employment)
05.10 New /Edit Staff (Security)
06.1 Progress Notes(Warnings)to be added
06.2 Progress Notes(Notes)
to be added
06.3 Progress Notes(Vital signs)
to be added
06.4 Progress Notes(Observations)
to be added
06.5 Progress Notes(Presentation)
to be added
06.6 Progress Notes(Problem
List) to be added
06.7 Progress Notes(Pathology)
to be added
06.8 Progress Notes(Imaging)
to be added
06.9 Progress Notes(Tests)
to be added
06.10 Progress Notes(Medication)
06.11 Progress Notes(Vaccinations)
06.12 Progress Notes(Allergies)
06.13 Progress Notes(Soc.Drugs)
06.14 Progress Notes(Past
Medical History)
06.15 Progress Notes(Family
Medical History)
06.16 Progress Notes(Patient
07.1 Booking (Booking)
07.2 Booking (Waiting room)
07.3 Booking (Session)
07.4 Booking (Unprocessed)
04.1 New /Edit Patient (Personal)
04.2 New /Edit Patient (Aliases)
04.3 New /Edit Patient (Contacts)
04.5 New /Edit Patient (Cultural)
04.6 New /Edit Patient (Support)
04.7 New /Edit Patient (Relationships)
04.8 New /Edit Patient (Employment History)
04.9 New /Edit Patient (Financial History)
05.1 New /Edit Staff (Personal)
05.2 New /Edit Staff (Contact)
05.4 New /Edit Staff (Language)
05.5 New /Edit Staff (Medical)
05.6 New /Edit Staff (Allergies)
05.7 New /Edit Staff (Education)
05.8 New /Edit Staff (Assessments)
05.9 New /Edit Staff (Employment )
05.10 New /Edit Staff (Security)
06.2 Progress Notes(Notes)
06.3 Progress Notes(Vital signs)
06.4 Progress Notes(Observations)
06.5 Progress Notes(Presentation)
06.6 Progress Notes(Problem List)
06.7 Progress Notes(Pathology)
06.8 Progress Notes(Imaging)
06.9 Progress Notes(Tests)
06.10 Progress Notes(Medication)
06.11 Progress Notes(Vaccinations)
06.12 Progress Notes(Allergies)
06.13 Progress Notes(Soc.Drugs)
06.14 Progress Notes(Past
Medical History)
06.15 Progress Notes(Family Medical History)
06.16 Progress Notes(Patient Recall)